Hey u~
I am sure everyone reading this blog has watched or attempted to watch the latest Chris Rock stand up show. He expressed his views on interracial dating and he said: Black women get upset about black men dating white woman....all black men have done is exercised their options...then he said the real reason black women get angry is because they are not attracted to white men.. so they cant exercise their option.. they will sleep with "pretty white boys" but black women are not attracted to white men in general.
For the past few weeks I have been pursued by someone other than a IBM. For those who are not familiar with IBM, it means, intelligent Black man. After several failed attempts at dating, I decided to broaden my options and see what this man is about. I can honestly say that I am having the time of my life. Everything is just different with him. He provide me with the time and attention I desire and is not afraid to talk and ask questions.
This post is not to bash black men, I love brothas but why does it take for me to go outside of my race to feel appreciated? Not just appreciated because I helped him with this or because I did that, but appreciated because I am a woman and a good person. With this situation there is never a "ass, gas or cash" concept, lets go half on lunch, take me to Wal-Mart, I need, I need, I need. He doesn't make me feel I owe him something because he took me to dinner. My cousin said it best: I wanna be with a black man, I really do. Its just Black men makes us feel so insecure. I am sorry fellas, but a lot of times, its like that.
I agree with Chris Rock, we sistas need to broaden our options a little bit. Please don't mistake this as desperation. Sometimes Black folks consider a woman dating outside of her race as desperation. I am not desperate, its just that everyone deserves to be loved. No matter what color they are. I dedicate this post to the brothers reading this in the event that they will step their game up. I know all of you all aren't like this but those who are are making you look bad.
Toya Louise
I am sure everyone reading this blog has watched or attempted to watch the latest Chris Rock stand up show. He expressed his views on interracial dating and he said: Black women get upset about black men dating white woman....all black men have done is exercised their options...then he said the real reason black women get angry is because they are not attracted to white men.. so they cant exercise their option.. they will sleep with "pretty white boys" but black women are not attracted to white men in general.
For the past few weeks I have been pursued by someone other than a IBM. For those who are not familiar with IBM, it means, intelligent Black man. After several failed attempts at dating, I decided to broaden my options and see what this man is about. I can honestly say that I am having the time of my life. Everything is just different with him. He provide me with the time and attention I desire and is not afraid to talk and ask questions.
This post is not to bash black men, I love brothas but why does it take for me to go outside of my race to feel appreciated? Not just appreciated because I helped him with this or because I did that, but appreciated because I am a woman and a good person. With this situation there is never a "ass, gas or cash" concept, lets go half on lunch, take me to Wal-Mart, I need, I need, I need. He doesn't make me feel I owe him something because he took me to dinner. My cousin said it best: I wanna be with a black man, I really do. Its just Black men makes us feel so insecure. I am sorry fellas, but a lot of times, its like that.
I agree with Chris Rock, we sistas need to broaden our options a little bit. Please don't mistake this as desperation. Sometimes Black folks consider a woman dating outside of her race as desperation. I am not desperate, its just that everyone deserves to be loved. No matter what color they are. I dedicate this post to the brothers reading this in the event that they will step their game up. I know all of you all aren't like this but those who are are making you look bad.
Toya Louise
I posted a blog a while back about interracial dating. There is nothing wrong with it. God made all humans and never intended for use to be as divided as we are now. You should date whoever you are attracted to and not feel guilty about it! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree it's nothing wrong with interracial dating. I am one person who believes that Love has no color. The funny thing is when your with that someone you won't even see color unitl one day someones else brings it up. I know this because I'm a product of my Mom and my stepfather's relationship. My stepfather was white and whenever I would see distant relatives or at family gatherings they would say I didn't know your Dad was white? And I would say me either. My Dad was a true gentleman. I am so blessed to have had him in my life growing up because he set a great example of how a man should be. I mean you name it he did it. I never had to want or ask for a thing and neither did my Mom. I have a hard time with my relationships because I always look for the same attention, just the unconditional love my Dad gave my Mom. Every guy that I have been with someway somehow they always find a way to put their self first. Even the person I'm with now. Example,when you wash your car wash mine too. You want me to make enough food for you when I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner but you can't go wash my car. I shouldn't have to say oh you can wash my car too. Just do it. I just feel that I shouldn't always have to say do this or do that you should have some ideas of your own. Ladies ya feel me ;.)